Spring is in the air in Bedford, Indiana. With the warmer weather comes more time outdoors with your four legged friends –  enjoying long walks, playing in yard and trips to the dog park. Consider this your spring “pet to-do list” to get your dog ready for warmer weather.

  1. Heartworm medications – While it is a good idea to keep your pet on preventative heartworm medications throughout the year, if you only provide this therapy during the warmer months, now is the time to start your treatment plan. Prevention is an important part of fighting heartworm disease and includes a simple blood test or stool sample to ensure that your pet is not infected. Once you have the all clear, start the monthly dosage of heartworm medications as prescribed by your veterinarian.
  2. Flea and tick prevention – Here in Indiana, most pet owners treat their animals for fleas and ticks during the warmer months. Because ticks can carry Lyme disease, which can be debilitating to animals, starting a preventative plan before it gets warm is crucial to keeping your pet protected.
  3. Vaccinations – The spring and summer months often mean family vacation time. If you are not bringing your fur-baby with you, they will need to be up-to-date on the necessary vaccinations before they can be boarded in a kennel. Additionally, vaccinations are a great way to keep your pet safe during trips to the dog park or other public areas.
  4. Take it slow – Because of the climate in the Midwest, there is a good chance your pet is more sedentary during the winter months. Just like humans who need to ease into an exercise program, your pet will need to start out slow. This is particularly important if they are older, as long walks can be difficult on their joints.
  5. Take care with lawn care – In addition to caring for your pet, the spring months also mean getting your yard ready for the summer months. Lawn and garden chemicals can be very toxic for your pet. Be sure that they are not exposed to these chemicals and try to maintain an area for them to roam as the chemicals are working their way into the soil.

Is your pet in in need of a spring checkup? Contact the team at Animal Care Clinic to get them ready for the warm months ahead!